1. Name of the Plant: Biharamulo power station.
2. Short history of the Plant.

Biharamulo power station was established in 2004 and opened officially by the honorable retired president Benjamin W. Mkapa on 20 June 2005. By that time there were two Wartsila Engine installed with rating of 476kW each. The supplies power to Biharamulo and Chato townships and the villages falling along the transmission line between the two townships.

In May 2015, another Wartisila Engine taken from Kigoma power station with rating of 640kW was installed at the station.

In 2016 two new ABC Engines were installed with rating of 1250kW each. Now Biharamulo power station has five generating sets.

3. Operation and Maintenance. 

Wartisila and ABC engines are on standby operation, operation done during national Grid cut off.

Operation and Maintenance of wartisila and ABC generating sets are done by TANESCO staff.

 4. Project cost and Financing.

The old wartsila Generating sets were installed using internal funding from the GoT.

The new ABC Generating sets were co-funded by the GoT and the Government of the Netherlands.