A: Name of Plant:
Ludewa Power Station
B: Short History of the plant:
Ludewa Power Station is an off grid plant which is 163kms from Njombe town.The Station was built in 2007; but generation started in 2008. On 14th March 2010, Dr. Ali Muhamed Shein( Vice president) by then inaugurated the Station.
C: Operation and Maintanance:
We have three generating sets. Set No.1 & 2 are ABC 6DX(S)(C) Engines. Each set has the capacity of 510kW. Set No.3 FIAT has the capacity of 250kW which makes total capacity of the plant to be 1270kW. Available capacity up to now is 1020kW which equal to 1.02MW. Power is supplied to Ludewa town and its outskirts. The Station is operated by Tanesco staff.
D: Future plans:
The future plan of this Station is to be connected with Makambako-Songea National Grid which will be tapped at Madaba Substation.