This is the New Power Plant which started generation on13 October, 2015.
The plant has 4 units i.e. GT1, GT2, GT3 >4. Type of turbine is LM6000pf supplied by GE USA they are using either natural gas or JETA1 fuel to generate electricity.
GT1>2 are installed with chiller system having installed capacity 40MW each while GT3>4 are without chiller and has installed capacity 35MW each.
On 31/3/2016 Kinyerezi I Gas plant was fully Commissioned, for the first time the plant generated power at its full installed capacity of 150MW.
The plant dispatches its power to the national grid through 220kv T/line.
GT 3&4 attained 4000 operating hours and demanded for level I maintenance (bore scope inspection) as per manufacturer recommendation. The maintenance service was done by GE (equipment supplier) free of charge.
Other Condition based maintenance were also attended these included Water compressor wash and change of air filter intake elements to improve the turbine efficiency.