This area is for TANESCO customers. The following are basic steps on how to lodge a complaint and how to track the status of your complain
1. If you have an account on this website, then
a) Enter your credentials in the login form on the right.
b) Once you do that a new menu called TANESCO SUPPORT will appear.
c) Click on Lodge Complaint and enter all the required details then click SUBMIT.
d) You will receive an email with the details of your complaint.
2. If you dont have an account on this website, then
a) Click Create an account
b) Enter your details and password
c) You will then receive an activation link by email, click on that link to activate your account
d) Use the account you just created to login
e) Click on Lodge Complaint and enter all the required details then click SUBMIT
a) Login with your account
b) Click on Track Complaint Status
c) You will then see all the complaints that you have logged